04 February 2006

rain, rain, go away...

Well, the rain let up last night enough for us to join the lovely Doctor Daisy, her sweetie, and her friend at the aforementioned artsy Spanish cafe. The tapas were fabulous and the sangria flowed freely. Good times.

Last night, it rained more. We've had over eight and a half inches in the last twenty-four hours. That makes yesterday the fourth rainiest day on record for this hamlet. Oy.

Tonight, we are going to a private single-malt scotch tasting that a friend has organized. He felt that the local highlands festival's scotch tasting was an embarrassment, so he set one up. All the participants throw in thirty bucks and sample a plethora of single malts. He's even had commemorative shot glasses made for the event (that we get to keep as a souvenir). I'll let y'all know how the event goes.


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