Be vewy quiet.... We're hunting houses...

Anyway, the better house of those two had a buyer with a contract contingent upon the buyer selling his current home. He has not done so, and the sellers are getting worried. Their new home is ready, and they are afraid that they will be stuck with two homes.
We made an offer on the house (pictured above). It's a 1915 American four-square in great condition. The owners counter-offered (quibbling over wording, not price). We accepted their counter-offer today. Now the deal goes to the primary buyer. He has four business days to put up or shut up. The question is, can he get a bridge loan? Can he afford two mortgages? We are hoping not.... Sorry if that seems Machiavellian, but all's fair in love, war, and house-hunting!
We should know if we got the house by next Thursday or so. Yes, we may be setting ourselves up for disappointment, but we also feel like this is a great house and that we should go for it. If you are so inclined, say a prayer or two for us over the next few days.
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