The benefits jungle

This week there was a teleconference for new employees to help us figure out our benefits choices-- life insurance, health coverage, death and dismemberment(!), dental, annuities, etc. It was overwhelming. When the guy leading the session was talking, I was scrambling to find the form to which he was referring. I felt a bit like Arlo Guthrie must have felt in the draft office (from his song/monologue "Alice's Restaurant")-- "Kids, this- piece- of- paper's- got- 47- words- 37- sentences- 58- words- we- wanna- know- details- of- the- crime- time- of- the- crime- and- any- other- kind- of- thing- you- gotta- say- pertaining- to- and- about- the- crime- I- want- to- know- arresting- officer's- name- and- any- other- kind- of- thing- you- gotta- say", and talked for forty-five minutes and nobody understood a word that he said, but we had fun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench there." Oy. I'll just do my best, but this is ridiculous. On the other hand, it's good to HAVE benefits....