Here are a few pictures of Brigheon's new puppy, a small sheltie that we named Grendel (yes, after the demonic monster who battles Beowulf in the ancient Old English epic). We got Grendel from a local sheltie rescue. He's about eleven months old. He's a pretty typical sheltie, barking at odd noises and new objects. He does not, however, bark at cars like Logan. At first, Logan was pretty distrustful-- there was a lot of snarling and baring of teeth. Now, however, they run about and play. It does my heart good to see Logan act like a puppy himself. While Logan will usually curl up in a nearby room, Grendel would rather be at our feet (or, even better, beside us on the sofa). He's a real sweetie.
By MY side...he's definitely a mama's boy. Granted, his absolute favorite thing to do is to play with Logan. He's really fun to walk - I can even jog with him.
Nothing's happened in 2 months??
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