Well, after a break of about nine years, I have been convinced to start volunteering in youth ministry again. This weekend, we had out first retreat. We had only five kids show up. That's a start, I suppose. Regardless, we had a great time. I hope the kids who did come really talk up the weekend, making the other kids jealous. We had Bible studies. We played Chubby Bunny (a silly game involving trying to talk with a mouthful of marshmallows). The best part was the challenge course at the retreat center. Click on the picture above for a close-up. Boy, my hair has gotten long!
So, then, is the long-hair-and-beard look your way of saying, "I join Newsweek in celebrating the glories of 1968 and all that the '60s stood for!"?
Just wondering.
BTW, I like the look, and I'd go for it if a)My hair would grow long on top, rather just on the sides, and b)My beard weren't (prematurely) white.
Actually, it is because my lovely wife likes it. I did get it cut this week, and the stylist cut off way more than I wanted her to. It IS nice to be a forty-year-old man and still be able to ask a stylist to thin my hair. . . .
And, for the record, my beard has more white every year.
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