Towel Day!

If you can't be there, then just carry a towel all day. After all, a towel "is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have."
How do I reconcile "Life is pain, Highness, anyone who says differently is selling something" with "Always look on the bright side of life"?
hey, Prof, my son, 11, has become a huge fan of The Hitchhiker's Guide movie. He (and we) watched it at least twice over the weekend.
Movie left me cold. I've yet to read the book. Will I like it more than Dick or Vonnegut?
Hey, Professor Noir, update your blog please. Tomorrow is not towel day at this time. Are you trying to confuse us?
I hope you've told Philip Booth that many avid readers of the book didn't like the movie, though I did.
Your dear old mother
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